Conservation Mentor

Looking to connect with a mentor?  View list of members willing to share their experience with specific topics. 

Jeff Gaska

Jeff Gaska

Jeff Gaska farms in SW Dodge County
He raises corn, soybeans, wheat and hay.  He also has a beef cow/calf herd.  His areas of interest (knowledge/experience/expertise) include frost seeding clover into winter wheat, grazing cover crops, no-till, strip till, 60” row corn inter-seeded with covers for grazing, multi-species covers after wheat.  

 Contact: 920-210-6387 or

David Roche

David Roche

 Roche Grain – SW Dodge County  
Areas of Interest (expertise/knowledge): Planting green; seeding rye after corn or soybeans; covers after wheat; crimping experiments; composting & low disturbance injecting manure

 Contact: 920-210-8107 or

Dale Macheel 

Farm in NW Dodge County
Areas of Interest (expertise/knowledge): Planting green in both corn and soybeans; Reducing N trials; Growing our own rye for cover seed; Multi species covers after wheat; Spinning cereal rye (uncleaned, grown ourselves) to reduce cost, more acres seeded per hour, apply to all our acreage even as late as December.

Contact: 920-210-4863 or